AFTERNOON Meeting & Social: College Planning

Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Time: 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Pinstripes Bistro-Bowling-Bocce
Speaker: Cozy Wittman

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College is the second largest purchase a family will make, next to their home, yet most do not have a strategy for how to pay for college. All too often, families do not have enough saved for college but are terrified to take out loans that will burden both the parents and children.

This presentation is designed to help financial professionals guide families they work with around how to figure out who will have skin in the game and how to more strategically identify ways to pay for college and which loans to focus on for their individual goals.


  1. Define Strategies for paying for school
  2. Understand the implications of the FAFSA
  3. Identify how to best guide families to loans that make economic sense

Registration and Networking: 4:00 pm
Presentation Begins: 4:30 pm
Program Ends: 5:30 pm
Networking Social:  5:30-7:00 pm



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